CosmicForge Marketplace mockup design

The CosmicForge is an integral part of the Bythos platform. It is the software repository for Bythos, similar to the package repositories (as an example) for Unix and Linux operating systems. Although, it will be more like what TrueCharts is to TrueNAS SCALE, a custom Helm repo, but so much more.

We’ll use it as the Git repo for software packages at the CosmicForge, as well as our other open source projects. Anyone will be able to sign up and use it as a Git service, among other things, but our focus will be on self-hosted applications for digital sovereignty. Users will have access to bug tracking and other project-related activities.

Additionally, the CosmicForge will serve as a knowledge hub and public forum for the self-hosted open source community. There is more that goes into digital sovereignty than web-based server applications. Many of those utilities are meant to be used by other devices on the network, including laptops and cell phones.

How could we offer all these great tools without helping you integrate them into your life?

The primary goal for our team working at the CosmicForge is to weave together tools that work for us in our lives and continuously evaluate what we use on a regular basis. For workflows that require human ingenuity, we document the paths of least resistance and then allow the community to take over from there.

Achieving digital sovereignty is a long process for anyone to go through. We all have different ways of living and various attachments in our lives now. Like any other method of developing healthy habits and routines, it just takes time, along with trial and error.

Please visit the CosmicForge website to learn more.

CosmicForge Trinity graphic